
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Another successful QOV sew-in

Yesterday my mom and I attended another fun sew-in with our Quilts of Valor group at Prairie Shop Quilts in Batavia. I've been slowly working on a bargello to donate and was able to make some good progress yesterday.

I started this quilt before I got EQ7 so I used a spreadsheet program to mock out what I wanted it to look like (that's the pic above). This was not the first time I've used a spreadsheet program to design a quilt - I designed my stained glass quilt the same way.

This is where I am in terms of progress. You can see the quilt coming together on the left...

To the left are the strips once they've been reorganized, in the center are the strips once they've been cut the second time, and to the right is what the strips look like once they're first sewn together. Which is all in reverse chronological order to how the quilt gets made, but happens to be how I had the arranged on my design wall.
I've had some people asking me about making bargello quilts so I am working on a tutorial that I will probably post in the next couple weeks. They're way easier than they look. I might also do a quilt-a-long towards the beginning of August where anyone interested can make one along with me. I'd just post steps and lots of pics and instructions week by week with lots of opportunities for questions. What I'm hoping is that by the time I post the tutorial, I will have a supplies list for anyone interested. I am also hoping to give directions for two different sizes (lap and baby quilt), mostly because I need to make a baby quilt (and they're a good practice size for beginners) and anyone making one for QOV would need to meet the minimum size requirement of 55"x65".
Any interest out there, other than those I've already talked to?

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