
Monday, July 5, 2010

Tree Roots and a Long Weekend

I hope you had a happy 4th of July! I'll have a more patriotic post tomorrow or Wednesday since tomorrow is my monthly Quilts of Valor sew-in.

Over the long weekend, my Flock, Divided painting was featured over at It's A Hodgepodge Life. A huge thank you to Gay! I love her site!

Since I was away I didn't get any crafting done, but I do have some great pics to share from last week. I've always found trees very inspirational in my art... I very often gravitate to fabrics and color palettes that are based off of trees. My collection of green and brown fabrics is disproportionally large and I also have an increasing stack of realistic leaf and tree prints that is awaiting the right quilt pattern. Here are some of them.
One day I would love to make a wall-sized art quilt of a tree... probably fused and with lots machine stitching to detail out tree bark, but I'm not there yet.

My mother-in-law and I took my son to Blackberry Farm in Aurora last week and as we were leaving we passed this tree with the most amazing roots.

I can hardly get enough of these pics. I just love how the roots are all intertwined and overlapped, how dense and intricate they are...

I just don't know what it is that captures me about them, but I really could just stare at these for hours. It's so convoluted and I love how they just taper off and disappear into the ground. Staring at tree roots... you all must think I'm just crazy. :)

1 comment:

  1. I don't think you're crazy! I love staring at trees --roots, branches, leaves and all! I can't even tell you how many photos I've taken of trees.
