
Thursday, July 8, 2010

My design wall...

The bargello is coming together on my design wall. Did you know that you can make a design wall at home with the cheapest vinyl tablecloth you can find?

You just tack your tablecloth to the wall with the back facing out. Fabric will stick to the felty backing like magic! Mine cost about $2.

I folded the edges under about an inch to give the nails a little more to hold onto. Works like a charm!
I'm linked up to the some of these fab parties on my sidebar... check 'em out!


  1. Huh...interesting idea. Never would have thought of that. Not that I quilt, so I don't have a use for it but it is good to know in case I do. :)

  2. What a cool idea. Are you old enough to remember "flannel graph" stories? You had cut out figures kind of like paperdolls with flannel glued to the back and used them to tell a story--kind of like a moving comic book, I guess :). Thank you so much for linking with FFT.

  3. Great idea! And I love your current design! Thanks for sharing ... I've posted a link. I would love it if you would join my link party sometime!

  4. That idea is 'sew' fabulous! I'm going to have to try it. Thanks for sharing. Happy Sewing! :o)

  5. Ingenious! I love practical soliutions~you are awesome!

  6. Most excellent! I usually just lay stuff out on my cutting table but this would give me a whole new perspective! So glad you posted this, thanks! And your bargello design is FABULOUS.

  7. oh that is brilliant! love the idea!! thanks for sharing :)

  8. What a fabulous idea! Thanks for sharing your little tip!

  9. That is a great tip. Going to have to get me a table cloth. My thought was to use thumb tacks to put it up since I don't have a permantent place I could leave it. Visiting from the girl creative.


  10. wow your blog is very nice!!! I love your ideas =D

  11. Cool! Thanks for linking up to Mad Skills Monday!

  12. What a fabulous idea! Thanks for sharing and for linking up to Hoo's got talent!

  13. Vinyl tablecloth? How on earth did you figure that out? Neat idea.

    Thanks for linking up to Fab Friday -


  14. I'm getting ready to start my 3rd bargello - I adore them - such impact, plus collecting all the fabrics for the project is a lot as well. My design wall is simply 2.5 yard of 60" white flannel that is tacked up with some teensy nails. It works fine for me.
