
Saturday, January 7, 2012

One Stitch at a Time

It's been a little while.  I needed to take some time away from blogging over my semester break to take care of my family.  I finished one Christmas gift over break, but neglected to take any pics of it.  Other than that I've been working on a few random projects, mostly of the portable variety.

Earlier in my break I had been searching some sweater patterns on Ravelry and then several blogs and searches later I found some beautiful images of granny square afghans.  

I also had some scrap yarn all sitting next to each other in these pinks and mauves and browns that looked really pretty together.  Thus, another project was born.

Of course, I have had to buy a bit more filler yarn to pull it together and to ensure I had enough.

They're REALLY addicting.  

I've been carrying this basket with me all over the house in my free moments, trying to whip up just one more... I've got quite a stack going at the moment.

I'm hoping this will be an easy project to just work on a little at a time, whenever I can get to it.  On Monday I start my last semester of school and between classes (including my master's project), a new assistantship, my internship and my family I am really not sure how exactly I'm going to pull it all off.  I think I will probably working basically 6 days a week to pull it all off.

So if you don't hear from me much over the next few months you know why. 


  1. Very pretty colors!! I hope you make it through!!

  2. You have such a keen eye for color. I love it!

    However, as a child of the 70s, I think I've lost my appreciation for granny squares. My heart smiles at the recollection of them though.

  3. Funny your would post your granny squares, I was just working on mine last night using odds and ends of leftover yarn. I love your colors..
    I know how crazy it can be working on your Masters, my Sister completed hers two years ago and she was always writing...I think her computer was attached at her
    Good luck you can do it!!
    Big hugs, Elizabeth

  4. The berry colors are so pretty in your squares. I came over here to get some baby quilt inspiration, and you didn't disappoint, Cecily! I purchased fabric and need to decide what pattern to do it in. I'm keeping it fairly simple--all right angles! I hope you are doing well.
