
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Up for Air

This past week was high tide for my semester and I survived.

A friend of mine was helping to host an auction for a friend of hers so she could help raise money to adopt a child from Haiti.

I'd like to be able to live my life and say that, when push comes to shove, I am never too busy to help a friend. This baby quilt was my donation for the auction.  I pulled it out of the dryer and made it to the auction in time, and survived my week of deadlines and was happy to be able to do both. 

It was roughly 40" square with white flannel alternating with the "Spring Fling" Moda charm squares on the front, fleece on the back, extra-loft batting, and satin blanket binding. 

One last week before I can see this semester in my rearview mirror and, let me tell you, that is a view I am looking forward to.


  1. And then you have some space for crafting and quilting?

    I love the purple fabric with the kind of kaleidoscope circles.

    I bet your friend was truly grateful.

  2. Her friend was blown away!

    Cecily got to the auction before it started, before we all got there, and though this "friend" had never met her, I recognized her right away. I unlocked the door of the funky little church where my friend Jenn was holding her auction, and I said, "Cecily?"

    She handed me the quilt and we chatted for a while, and my heart filled with Joy that God would place someone so gifted and generous in my path.

    This is a story I will tell for years.

    And the auction was a success--$4000 toward the $20,000 Jenn needs to help her adopt a child from Haiti.

    To save a child from a loveless life or slavery?

    Cecily, you added to that gift.

  3. Your gift of time and love to help someone you don't know because they needed help is amazing! Thank you for your generous heart which is an inspiration to me. Thank you thank you!


  4. Gorgeous colours and a good cause. Well done!

  5. I miss my buddy, Cecily!!! I'm sorry I haven't visited or emailed you in so long! I hope you have been well, and I'm glad you survived this past semester. :)
    I hope your hubby has been feeling well these days, and I hope Santa was good to your adorable little boy! Email me when you get a chance to catch me up on how you are. No rush!!! xxoo
    P.S. Your quilt is beautiful and so nice of you to donate your hard work!
