
Monday, June 27, 2011

Garden Tour

Between my internship and classes I've had very little time for blogging in the last week.  

But I have been working feverishly on a project...

... except it's for the handmade gift exchange so I can't share my progress with you.

Instead, I have a tour of our garden for you.  (I took the pic of the irises earlier this year - they're long gone now.)

Can't claim credit, though.  This is all my mom's handiwork. 

Look!  Squash! 

I did actually plant a bunch of vegetables... 

... not much to show yet, but as soon as there is I will have pics.

Love the trellis.

The peonies are also long gone, but they are one of my favorites.  They remind me of my grandfather - he always used to plant these.


  1. SO BEAUTIFUL AND BLISSFUL !!! LOVE THEM ALL !!! Thanks so much for sharing =)

  2. The third photo down is my favorite.

    I hope to plant some iris for next spring. No room for peonies, but I love them. My mom always hated them, but I don't know why. Just one of those silly things I wish I could ask her!

    The earth laughs in flowers, so true!

  3. I am definitely planting peonies in the fall.

    Your garden looks lovely and thriving...

  4. Amazing and beautiful photos! Real inspiration!

  5. Wow! Those top ones remind me of pink flamingos!

  6. Your garden pictures are wonderful, so beautiful !! Thanks for sharing ;-))

  7. I'm crazy about peonies. I put in one new one this year and some calla lilies. Very sculptural. That sure is a lot of color. Love all the pics. Thanks for sharing, Cecily.

  8. Your pictures are lovely. They remind me of my yard in May--before the heat and drought set in. Good luck with your project! Trying to figure out what I'm going to make up for my knitting swap partner who lives in NORWAY! And I have a new line of gorgeous sock yarn in the shop ... very tempting! ;)

  9. What beautiful flowers, you're fortunate they're all around you! Hang in there with your classes. I wanted to let you know I'm have a giveaway, hope you can stop by.

  10. Beautiful flowers! I love summer, such pretty colours.
