
Friday, May 27, 2011

The 2nd Craftopotamus Quiltaway!

One year ago today... 

I started a blog named Craftopotamus.

Time sure does fly.

Over 41,000 pageviews, over 400 followers, a couple dozen features, 3 Blogger's Quilt Festivals, and 2 semesters of grad school later, I'm still in it and loving it.

In celebration of creating, blogging, and all of the wonderful people I have met along the way, I am giving away another quilt.

This one, in fact.  It's called Urban Utility I.  That's partly because it was based off of the City Tracks pattern in Cherri House's City Quilts book and partly because some of the colors and quilting remind me of those utility blankets that are used for moving furniture.  And the "I" is because I am working on "II" as we speak, but I'll be keeping that one for myself.  :)

This quilt is my first foray into solids and I have to say, I am hooked.  I bought myself a Kona solids card and haven't looked back. 

It's also the first time I've done any straight line quilting that wasn't done by hand.  It is crazy to me that I have been quilting for almost 6 years, I've done tons of meandering quilting and designs, but have only just now bought myself a walking foot with a guide.  It's almost embarassing!  The finished quilt measures roughly 58" by 75" and is made with all cotton fabrics and batting.

I tell you, I just love this creative journey and having such a great way to share it.  Every day I am amazed by the warm and genuine bloggers I have found on my journey and am continually inspired by YOUR work.  The talent you all have is amazing.  And thank you for following along with me, even when grad school gets the better of my time.

So, are you ready to hear the Quiltaway rules?  They're pretty simple.

You have 5 chances to enter.  Each comment is considered an entry (no more than five per person):

1. Leave a comment about this quilt or what you might do with it if you win it or about what blogging has meant to you.

2. Become a follower.  Just leave a comment, whether you're a new follower or old, just saying that you are one.

3. "Like" Craftopotamus on Facebook and leave me a comment here to let me know you did (or that you already have).  Follow the button for a quick link...

4. Share this post or the Craftopotamus link to this post on your Facebook page (and then come back here and leave me a comment saying you did.

5. Blog about this quiltaway or post one of my buttons (located in my sidebar) on your blog.  Let me know which you did and post the link in the comment.

Please make sure there is a way for me to contact you by email!  This quiltaway will run from now through Thursday, June 9th at 9:00pm.  The winner will be drawn by random number generator and announced Friday, June 10th at 9:00am.

I'll be linking this quilt up to lots of my favorite link parties including Amy's Sew & Tell and Met Monday... be sure to check out my newly remodeled Link Parties tab and all the awesome inspiration you can find at all of these parties - you won't regret it!

GOOD LUCK!!  I hope YOU win!


  1. Oh my gosh!!! What would I do with it? Cherish it forever! LOL It's gorgeous ~ great giveaway!

  2. I would love to use it in my daughters nursery

  3. Would love to win this! I would wrap myself up in it while I watch a good movie with my husband!

  4. Hello Cecily! What an adorable quilt and the coulours are my favorites! If I would be so lucky to win that beauty, I would wrap myself into it and sit at summer night on my veranda!
    Sunny wishes from Crete! Teje

  5. If I won this quilt I would sit on my porch swing in the fall and wrap up in it while reading a good book!

  6. I'm a follower1

  7. I'm a Facebook Fan!

  8. I shared the link on my Facebook Page!

  9. I blogged about your Giveaway here:

  10. Wow, what an amazing quilt, it's beautiful. What would I do with it? It would be on my bed, well loved! Blogging means everything to me, it's my gateway to crafty friends and inspiration. I love sharing my makes and meeting like-minded people.

  11. Stunning quilt! The colors are so cooling and calming


  12. I'm a happy follower and here is my e-mail because often I'm 'no-reply' -

  13. What a beautiful quilt. I prefer solid colors, as well, and would enjoy this in my home. I started blogging less than a year ago, and have enjoyed it. It has helped to keep me motivated to sew and finish projects I start. I believe I've done more sewing this year than the last number of years put together! Thanks for your inspiration. I may need to get a copy of the urban quilt book, and try one myself!

  14. I started blogging less than y year ago (well, soon I will have to think about some giveaway tro ;) ). Since then I met many wonderful people, saw and learned techniques that I didn't know existing before and won a few giveaways also ;) It's a wonderful way to share ideas!

  15. This would be the perfect size to snuggle under while watching a movie.. which we do a lot!

  16. this is so beautiful! I would use this every day, on my couch, my bed, lol everywhere.

  17. Wow, I love this quilt! I am also for a long time in love with solids :) Especially the shades of blue, sometimes going into green or grey or even violett....! So seems that this one you made for me (at least, pressing my thumbs, I hope so ^^).

  18. So... for more entries (yes, I want to raise my chance :)):

    I am a follower sinced I stumbled over a link to your first quilt giveaway and stayed a follower since them and have to say:

    Would I have stumbled over your blog without a quilt giveaway, I would also have stayed :)

  19. If I win this quilt, I will probably use it for my son's big boy bed. Happy blogerversary!!!

  20. And I linked your quiltaway to the sidebar of my blog :)

  21. Your quilt is gorgeous! If I won I would use it to stay warm while I stitch bindings and relax in the evenings with my husband. I never used many solids but they are definitely growing on me and I think this quilt just made me a believer!

  22. I have signed up to follow your blog.

  23. Cecily, you have several amazing gifts as an artist. Your color choices are impeccable and your quilting skills are AMAZING. I would be so honored to have a quilt you made!

  24. I love this quilt! I would snuggle with it on my couch!

  25. Hi Cecily! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving that sweet comment. How exciting to have this giveaway! I think it would look pretty good in my new playroom. Just sayin'. :)

  26. I'm a facebook fan! And a fan in general. :)

  27. Hey sis, I'm sure my comment will get lost among this bunch and this is not a comment to try the quilt - although it is beautiful! Since I'm already getting one of yours soon, I don't want to be greedy. :) We can share the quilt love around.

    I just wanted to say that your blog stats are amazing!! I am so proud of you and your crafting efforts. It is really something to be proud of, so I hope you take some time to pat yourself on the back.

    I am also very proud of you for going back to graduate school with a child and family! That takes courage. You are half way through the massive effort and have done so awesome. Again, I hope you take some time to revel in your success!

    I love you!

  28. I would love it and cherish it and look at the wonderful colours every day! My favourite colours are any variation of blue - across the spectrum from green to purple! Our bedroom is also grey and blue, so it would match perfectly! I am still in the process of finishing my very first quilt, and it is made of all solids, which I love!
    Thanks for the chance to win such a generous giveaway, you amaze me!

  29. I posted about your giveaway on FB (although I don't want anyone else to enter, because it lowers my chances of winning!)!/sonya.bosmackenzie

  30. How could you give away such an amazing quilt after putting in so much hard work! Its beautiful, and your quilt & blog inspires me to take more time to be creative :-)

  31. Wonderful quilt. I love it. I would put it on my bed.

  32. I am already a follower. Thanks for the chance.

  33. Oh Cecily, you KNOW how much I'm adoring this quilt. The colors are divine and remind me of the sea. I'm hoping that you get a chance to read this, as opposed to cluttering up your comments with five different comments, I thought I'd tell you that I've done all five things already!! =]

    1.) If I won, I'd give this to my husband. He LOVES quilts, and I'm definitely no good at making them. It would also have a prominent home on our relaxing reading chair. =]

    2.) I am a new follower!! Yay!!

    3.) I "Like" you on Facebook, I really like you!!

    4.) I posted a link on my Facebook page.

    5.) I also added a button on my post. ^_^

    Thanks for the opportunity to win such a fabulous quilt!! And thank you also for such a sweet comment on my post. I look forward to seeing more from you!!

  34. Hey Cec! ate my last comment, so let's try this again...I'm neither a blogger nor a quilter, but since I remember when you brought in that magazine with the inspiration for this quilt to school, I thought I'd throw my hat into the ring. Plus, it's "Urban" :)

    1) I'd use this quit as my non-winter bed cover (I have a down comforter for that). This will be especially nice for cuddling with my kitties on these cold, climate change-induced spring nights.

    2) I'm following you by email now! This is good since I already clicked on all your posts through Facebook.

    3) And of course, I've liked you on FB.


  35. How gorgeous! It would be perfect my youngest's 'big boy room'. He loves to cuddle up in a quilt! What a great giveaway and happy anniversary!

  36. I am a follower.
    I also liked your blog on Facebook. I was number 8.

  37. Blues are my favorites, and our home office is blue, I'd snuggle with it there in the early mornings.

  38. I've been following you for a while!


    Added you to today's post!

    You know, on the blog I want you to follow!

  40. I've given away many of my quilts to family and friends but never had one given to me. It would be very special to me.I love the modern design too!

  41. Cecily, that quilt is gorgeous, so I mentioned it on my blog... I don't know how many people will actually see it from there, but I hope not too many, I don't want to ruin my chances of winning it!


  42. A beautiful and generous giveaway. I would display it on a special chair that I have. Maybe sometimes I'd let my son snuggle in it.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  43. Hi Cecily! I told about your quiltaway in my latest post!

  44. Wow - how interesting it turns out. I was skeptical about the solids, but the black bar really gives it motion.

  45. I have been a blog follower and am now a Facebook fan (liker).

  46. The quilt is terrific! It would look terrific on my son's bed!

  47. Hello, my dear friend, and CONGRATULATIONS on your blogging anniversary. It has been so wonderful getting to know you and you are a treasured friend. As for the quilt, you did a beautiful job, as usual. If I won it, I would gift it from you to my son. He would love it, and wrap himself in it and would enjoy it, I know! Thanks for your generosity to all of us in this give-away!
    Gloria xxoo

  48. 2nd entry: Yes, I am a Follower! :)

  49. Ok, I posted your link on both and

    I subscribed and now I'm going to tell you what I'd do! I just LOVE quilts. I have one made by my dad's mother and it's just one of the most precious things I have. If I won, this quilt would definitely have a place of honour in my house because it's made with love and heart and you just can't match that. It would be used for guests so that they get an extra hug of love at night from the love that went into making the quilt. And be sure that EVERYONE would know that it was made with loving hands and just how very precious it is because of that!

  50. beautiful quilt! I have made 3 quilts so far, and blogged about the experience of each. Always struggles, but the end product is so worth it.
    I would use this one as inspirations, and proudly use it either on my bed, or keep it to use on the couch, where actually the quilt I made for my hubby is put to good use. I would not have to share his, but would use this for me.

  51. Cecily, you've done it again! How beautiful! Pick me, pick me. What a perfect addition this would be to my knitting room/guest bedroom--well, mostly knitting room. ;)

  52. Entry#2: been a follower almost as long as you've been a blogger I think! Pick me!

  53. I'm so glad you e-mailed me, it's been too long since I stopped by! I'm adding this to my sidebar and liked you on FB. You really only need to give me one entry, though. Hugs, Kim One of the best things about blogging? Meeting nice folks ;).

  54. Oh my heavens, yes please!

    I've been stalled on a color theme for the guest room - this would solve that problem toot sweet!

    Love love love the modern-old-fashioned vibe of this piece. It's beautiful!

  55. What an incredible artist you are!!! I found this blog thru Suzanne Medranno/Zibbet and have read every word, been awestruck by every photo and mesmerized by your God-given talent. I would be so honored to be selected as the winner of your quilt, and even more so, to be your student, should you ever become an Instructor. The work is just beyond anything I have ever seen!

  56. What a fabulous piece and I have the perfect setting to snuggle with it!

  57. Oh, and I'd follow your blog but the button doesn't seem to be working...will try again.

  58. Such a generous giveaway!

    I know exactly what I would do with the quilt. I live in the Midwest and it gets cold! So I would wrap myself in it while I'm on the computer blogging about fellow crafters or listing new itesm. Usually I'm cold sitting at the computer. But I don't think I would be with this!

    sarah dot buckingham at sbcglobal dot net

  59. I am following your blog and I subscribed by email as well

    sarah dot buckingham at sbcglobal dot net

  60. I liked you on FB

    sarah dot buckingham at sbcglobal dot net

  61. I shared on FB - which is how I found out about the giveaway. I also included your link in my FB post.

    sarah dot buckingham at sbcglobal dot net

  62. If I won that beautiful quilt I might just have to hang it in my guest/sewing room so I could look at it and be inspired! I love it!

  63. You left a sweet comment on my blog and now I am following you! :)

  64. I liked Craftopotamus on Facebook! :)

  65. I posted about your giveaway on my facebook profile!

  66. I added your Craftopotamus button on my blog! :)

  67. I love your quilt! I would love to wrap my babies in it to snuggle while they read/watch tv.

  68. I am a follower!

  69. Congrats on your first blog birthday and all the success of the first year.

    I'd love to win the quilt, I like how it is a very modern design and uses just solids to make a big statement!

    zucchinisummer at gmail dot com

  70. I would love to wrap up in this quilt. It would be well loved at my house as we all like to cuddle up with a quilt or comforter.

  71. What would I do with it? I would snuggle up with it and watch a little tv. =0)

    jmdanials (@)

  72. I am a GFC follower.

    jmdanials (@)

  73. Congratulations on your blogging accomplishments! The quilt is so gorgeous and a very generous size to snuggle under with my guys in the family room. Thanks for the chance.

  74. I'm a long time follower, too.

  75. I would love a handmade quilt! My mom and grandma's used to make me a lot of them, but they are gone now and I know the love and time that goes into making one! I've made 2 in my lifetime and wish I could do more to pass on to my children and grandchildren!

  76. We usually make bed sized quilts or baby quilts that give away. Your quilt is lovely - perfect colors for my mother - so I'm entering for her (she saw your photo and wanted to try). So, if we are so fortunate as to win, my 80ish mother will have this lap quilt to use in her chair for when she gets chilly. Thanks for the chance.

  77. how adorable. this would be a wonderful gift for my mom or someone else in the family.

    lauren51990 at aol dot com

  78. i follow you via gfc

    lauren51990 at aol dot com

  79. I found your blog on "Between Naps on the Porch." What a beautiful quilt, I would love to have it on my bed.


  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. I became a follower.


  82. I liked you on Facebook.


  83. I would cuddle the quilt when it gets cold!!

  84. What a great quilt! I too am into solids at the moment! I'm using kona but wondering what the bella solids are like???

  85. I just redid my craft room - and the chair could use a cuddle quilt for when my Munchkin is up watching movies while I sew. This would do the trick!!! (or on my bed - love it!)

  86. I would so love this as my "sofa quilt" I love having something to snuggle up in when I'm watching telly or stitching!

  87. I liked your facebook page too! :D

  88. My boyfriend and I are obsessed with your quilt! We find your blog to be an inspiration! Happy Anniversary to your blog! Keep inspiring us crafters!

  89. I LOVE your quilt. I am almost done with a baby quilt for my's taken me almost 5 years! If I won this quilt, I would put it in my 3 year old son's room when we make it a "big boy" room. It would be PERFECT!

  90. I am a new follower & so excited that I found you! Looking forward to crafting tips!

  91. "Like" you on Facebook! I'm on FB ALL of the time, so shouldn't miss any of your posts!

  92. For a time, I would hang this quilt in my living room. All the blues and clean lines make me want to study them for awhile...

  93. I LOVE this quilt. It's beautiful. And now I've liked you on FB. WONDERFUL!

  94. What a beauty! I'd keep this on my favorite chair to use everyday.

  95. Wonderful colors. I would give this to my daughter for her transition from nursery to her new big girl room.

  96. I would love this beautiful quilt for my living room sofa!
    Thanks :)
    kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

  97. I am following - Thanks!
    kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

  98. Like you on Facebook - Thanks!
    kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

  99. I LOVE it - I would give it to my daughter as part of her housewarming gift... she would love it so so so much :)

    Karen Gonyea
    ktgonyea at

  100. I love the colors you chose for the quilt. I love the design also, may have to remeber that one. This quilt would definitely be displayed in my bedroom, because the colors are perfect!

  101. I love this quilt. It is gorgeous. I would keep it for myself.
    kathyluman@gmail dot com

  102. I"m a new follower via GFC.
    kathyluman@gmail dot com

  103. I Like Craftopotamus on Facebook.
    kathyluman@gmail dot com

  104. It is an absolutely beautiful quilt. I really like seeing what other folks are doing with the solid colors.

  105. Name of your quilt is URBAN but I see the serenity and riches of colors seen in rural Amish quilts.
    If I win quilt, I'd hang it from living room wall and loan it to mycounty and other groups like on Farm Days (incl. Mrs Tyler and Mrs Washington)homes or churches

  106. What a beautiful quilt! I would cuddle up under it on cold nights and it is filled with many of my favorite colours!

  107. I like you on Facebook.Thanks!

  108. I am a new follower. Thanks!

  109. I would proudly show off your quilt in my home!

  110. what a simple and beautiful quilt. I'd love it for curling up with a good book, or spread it on the ground for a quick nap in the shade, or let my boys fight over it - for a good old fashioned fort.

  111. This is such a beautiful quilt. I love it & would use it as a throw on my living room sofa. Thanks for an amazing giveaway.

  112. this is such a beautiful piece of work, i would be honored to win it! your blog is inspirational and fantastic! Can't wait to see what's in store for the next year, and all the years to follow!

  113. I use to follow my favorites ... you're listed.

  114. What a great quilt! Thanks for the opportunity to win. Very generous of you!=)

  115. I would put it on the wall, like a tapestry,in my office. I have no artwork in there,and this is beautiful!
    I also blog, and love it! It takes the edge off every day.
    theblackat at hotmail dot com

  116. I like you on Facebook, and left a comment.!/klcmaher/posts/228718437145014
    theblackat at hotmail dot com

  117. I would love to win this quilt & hang it on my wall as art. I have liked you on facebook & have shared a link on my wall. I am also following your blog.

  118. I love quilts :) I especially love this modern version! I would use it on the couch to watch movies...what I do with all quilts!

  119. 1. My youngest son wants me to redecorate his room and this would be a great to center the decor around.

    2. I just became a follower.

  120. I need a cozy T.V. watching blanky - I need a blanky when I watch t.v. and I want a new one - my daughter's Pooh blanket doesn't look to decorative folded up on the arm of the couch during the day!!

    I adore the colors in this blues and greens are among my favorite color combinations...

  121. You are very generous -- that is a great modern quilt. I also just passed the one year mark of blogging and it has meant so much great feedback and a lot of enthusiasm about what I do. Blogging is great motivation to create and is so much fun!!! Congrats!

  122. I am following now, and I would LOVE and Cherish this quilt! It would go in my guest room I think, the colors are perfect! and I so need one for that bed. I love the colors so much!

    Pamela M

  123. Posted your giveaway on my facebook page! love this idea!

    Amelia Caruso

  124. I would love this quilt. Not sure what I would do with it. Have to see where it wants to be.

  125. I posted your link on my facebook.

  126. Blogged about you.

  127. Whoa, that's a gorgeous thing you're giving away :) This would be put right to use on my family room couch. I'm a solid's junkie too - love me some Kona!

  128. I love the colors of that quilt. In my house, we fight over blankets, it seems. This one would definitely be mine.

  129. what a gorgeous quilt! and happy blog birthday, too.

  130. I liked your page on facebook as Joni Scalf.

  131. Here's the link I shared on facebook to your contest:

  132. I love your quilt! I'm a more "modern" quilter and it sure has that look. Regardless if I win it or not, it will serve as inspiration for me and my quilting endeavors. Thanks so much.

  133. I am now a follower! Debbie at

  134. I just "liked" you on Facebook.

  135. I just announced your giveaway on my blog: CreativeCardCafe on blogspot

  136. I just posted your contest on my Facebook wall.

  137. Beautiful quilt. Of course, if I were to win it, I would put it in my family room. Everyone likes to wrap up in a quilt to watch TV or whatever.

  138. Love this gorgeous quilt. I would love to cuddle up with it on my couch on a snowy day and watch cartoons with my daughter.

  139. shared link to your blog on fb.

  140. Just posted to my blog:

  141. Such a lovely quilt-I like the material colors and pattern you've chosen. This would be cosy on my bed.

    Elaine R

  142. I would put this on my son's bed- it is very cool quilt

  143. This is the first time I have visited your blog. Found out about this giveaway on Craft Gossip. I went to your Facebook page and am now a subscriber. What would I do with the quilt - I'm new to quilting and I have been using bright "girly colors". My son, who is a police officer, said he would like a quilt, but with "manly" colors. So, this quilt would be a gift for him. I love the simplicity and boldness of the quilt - just beautiful!

  144. That quilt is beautiful! Blogging helps me to keep my projects organized and to see how much I've accomplished

  145. I'm thinking about how to make a knitted version of this, thanks to a reader of my blog (in which I'm forever trying to knit quilts) who sent me the link. Wonderful quilt, thanks for the contest!

  146. I'm a new follower, yay me!

  147. Gosh, that is just gorgeous. If it were mine, I'd put it right on my bed--that way I could look at it AND use it!

  148. And yes, brand-new follower!

  149. It is a beautiful quilt! I would use it in my home for sure.

  150. If I won this quilt I would wrap myself in it and refuse to come out. It's beautiful!

  151. What an incredible giveaway and a fantastic quilt!! I can't even believe you made that! It would go perfectly in my bedroom! Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my sewing machine cupcakes and for letting me know about your blog!

  152. I'm a new follower of your blog!

  153. That is a beautiful quilt! if I one it would def be going on my bed!

  154. I'd love to have your quilt hanging on the wall behind my son's bed!
