
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Catching up & Carbon Neutral

My Upcycled Baby Quilt was featured on Under the Table and Dreaming last week!  Thanks, Stephanie Lynn!  I'm sure you're familiar with her blog, but JUST IN CASE you're not you should go check it out - it's gorgeous.

I also have been cleaning up my blog over the last couple weeks.  I finally posted some dedicated pages and organized all of my link party buttons.  I'm a big fan of link parties and there's not a one that I participate in that I don't also love the blog.  If you're ever looking for a great party, just check out my Link Parties tab.

I also wanted to take a minute to share something I think is pretty cool, particularly if you're interested in environmental issues.  While blog surfing recently, I came across this button...

... on Zibeline Knits.  It caught my curiousity and leads to a site that will plant a tree in honor of your blog, thereby offsetting the carbon emissions produced by your blog.  Now, frankly, I have no idea how much carbon emissions my blog produces, but I do think it's pretty cool that there is now a tree planted in Germany in honor of Craftopotamus.

Which leads me to my next point.  When you click on the button, it will take you to button page that is in English, but the rest of the sight is entirely in German.  Don't freak out!  You can use google's translator to translate any of the pages by just copying and pasting the text into the translator.  I went to the "Dein Sticker!" page, filled in 4 lines of info and that was it.  I wasn't sure if it was still going on so I asked them about that in the message field.  When I got the response back last week saying that my blog was officially carbon neutral, the woman said that they still had trees looking for sponsors.  Go claim some trees, people!  :)

And since I just don't believe in posts without pictures, I'll share this one with you...

That, my friends, is the first quilt I ever started (technically the second one I finished).  It is 120" square, which is kinda crazy for a first quilt, but I think I've mentioned that I like to jump in head first...


  1. great first quilt..I made the mistake of starting with a big one too....but I kept on going and it seems that you weren't discouraged either.

  2. I am VERY impressed with your first quilt! It's beautiful, you must be so proud every time that you look at it. I wonder how many you've made since this first one??

  3. WOW! Love the quilt, but love the carbon neutral thing too. As of a few weeks ago, my blog has been solar powered, as we just installed solar panels on our roof! It's so important! A big issue for me as well. Thanks for sharing the translator too. I never knew about that!!

  4. Hey cool - I saw the Carbon Neutral button on your blog but didn't take the time to click (I try to avoid bunny trails I waste enough time as it is :) ) Thanks for telling us what it is all about!!

    Wow that is insane for a first quilt - absolutely insane and absolutely incredibly impressive.

  5. Cec, absolutely beautiful quilt! Congrats on your feature at "Under the Table & Dreaming"! I love the way you reorganized your blog, especially the linky party page! Fab!

    Thanks for the info on the "carbon neutral" site. I'm heading over to check it out!

