
Monday, September 13, 2010

Quiltaway Winner!

I wish I could crowd you all into a room, spin a big drum of cards with your names on them (like Bozo buckets), pull out a card and call out a name.  Then we could all have the pleasure of seeing her reaction and I could hand her the quilt and probably someone would take our pic and I could post it.

Alas, random number generator is as exciting as I can make it.  So without further ado...

...and the lucky entry is...

Congratulations, Ann Marie!  I can't wait to get your address and send out your new quilt!

I wish I could have made one for each of you.  I have really enjoyed all of your comments over the last couple weeks and have been amazed at how many of you have come to love blogging for similar reasons.  I'm also amazed at how many sweet and generous souls are out there.  You guys rock!

And I can hardly believe that I went from 107 followers to 327!  Hooray and thank you!  I might just have to do it again sometime...  :)


  1. Congratulation for sooo many followers! And also congrats to Ann Marie! Yes, I am a little bit jealous because this quilt is so gorgeous! ^^ But I am sure every one which took part of this giveaway loves this quilt!

  2. I need to learn to sew!

    Congrats to hte winner! :))

    Congrats on the increase and followers! I knew when I found you that your blog would EXPLODE!

  3. Congratulations to Ann Marie! She is one lucky lady, as your quilt is out-of-this-world gorgeous. She probably DID scream when she saw that she won. I know I would have! Again, congrats to the winner and congrats to you, Cecily, for being such a generous blogger!

  4. Congratulations to Ann Marie! She is one very lucky lady!!

  5. I'm surprised you don't have even more followers:) Thank you for your generosity and congratualtions to Anne-Marie!!

  6. Ann Marie is one lucky lady! You are so generous to do a giveaway of something that is truely from the heart.

  7. Gloria IS right! I did scream and then I started crying!

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    Its been a rough day today with two sick babies and oh my gosh. This TOTALLY made my day. Wait, my week. Umm, no, much MUCH longer than that. Thank you!!!!

  8. I just found your blog from White House Black Shutters (who I found from someone else then someone before that as I'm searching for fun craft projects to do). I soooo am going to follow your blog because I would LOVE to have won this beautiful (no, really; I quilt) quilt! Thanks for sharing your crafts :)
