
Monday, June 28, 2010

Features, Coastal Charm and Irises

I had a great big fun weekend in Wisconsin with my family. While I was gone I found out my Flock, Divided painting was featured on These Creative Juices! Thanks, Beckie! All the entries were amazing so I'm very honored.

I also wanted to let everyone know that over at Coastal Charm there is a giveaway promoting awareness of the oil spill and its effects on the Gulf Coast and a free Jimmy Buffet concert as well. Hooray for Parrotheads!

In other news, I have a new quilt in the works with these fabrics...
and I'm finalizing a couple projects this week... I've got some stain and varnish on my trunk and I finished up my crochet flowers. Hopefully I'll be able to post those later this week. In the meantime, I was able to sneak over to the beautiful garden of a family friend, Rosemary, this weekend and have some pics to share...

I just love irises (did you notice there are irises in a bunch of those fabrics)... hope you enjoyed these!


  1. Thanks so much for posting about my COASTAL GIVEAWAY and please keep praying for all of us here on the GULF COAST...thanks so much:)


  2. Irises are so stunning! I love that last photo, and the flowers in the tire swing are such a fun idea!

    Thanks so much for stopping by to comment on my sweet pea necklace last week. When I saw your name on the comment, it made me smile! I don't see Cecily very often. I love it! (As I should, since I chose it for my little one. :)

    Have a great week!
