
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Time for a Post

Once you've taken a break from blogging, it can be a little tricky to jump back in.  In my case I've been making things for months, but just not blogging about them for lack of time.  So I've got lots of projects I want to blog about but haven't gotten around to taking great pics of them.  And I was sort of tied up with finding a job - which I did.  A job I love, for the first time in my life.  Kinda great.  :)

That aside, I'd like to just start showing you snapshots of what I've been up to in the last few months.  Clearly, I've been knitting a ton.  The shrug and two sweaters above are all Ravelry patterns or my adaptations of them.  And I taught myself entrelac and love it.

This (above) is a pattern I made up based on a stitch I learned in a pattern book.  It's for my mom and it was supposed to be done for Mother's Day, but for some reason it has been about a half hour from being finished for a little over 2 months.  Embarassing.

This is the finished back of what is currently on my needles.  It's the Leaving pattern from Ravelry and so far the sizing is turning out perfectly.  It's the first sweater I've made that isn't knitted in the round.  It makes me feel like a real knitter.  :)

Here's a project I haven't worked on for a while, but hope to finish this winter.  I love the way it's coming together.

And here's a peek at my stash.  I can't wait to get this yarn on my needles!  I think I have a fuschia/reddish brown/orange problem.

And I have snuck in a little work on my sewing machine from time to time.  I started a little foundation stitching work on the art quilt I started last summer.

And of course I whipped together a baby blanket for my cousin's baby shower a few weeks ago.

And a taggie or two...

And my sister and her family are coming for a visit this weekend and a little birdie told me that my niece happens to be a big fan of Tinkerbell.  As someone who can identify with a fascination for anything involving faeries, satin, tulle, or sparkles, I whipped up this little number for her. 

Hopefully I can get a picture of her flaunting it this weekend.

I know this isn't my usual level of background and story on projects, but I wanted to give you a series of snapshots of what I've been working on. 

And we did manage to add a family member a little while ago.

His name is Herschel.

He's a rescue from a high-kill shelter in Kentucky.  We don't know for sure what kind of dog he is but our best guess is either a coon hound or a fox hound.  Basically he's all ears and legs and love.  :)


  1. Oh - Herschel is so sweet (we recently (like May or so) adopted two Shiba Inus from a rescue - they were puppy mill breeding stock...they are around 6-8 years - adorable and frustrating and we love the to death.

    I love the sweater you made from your new learned stitch. (The one for your Mom).

    The valentine's day colored afghan is gorgeous.

  2. Just last night, I stopped following a number of blogs--things I just wasn't interested in. I saw yours in my reader, and I thought, "Certainly she'll post again," and you did!

    Amazing talents you have. I am stunned. And, I want to kidnap your doggie.

  3. Have been missing you, so glad you're back in blogland! I love the sweater you made for your mom. It's always that last little bit that doesn't get done (sewing on the buttons, finishing the hem, hand-stitching the binding...). Herschel looks like a sweetheart.

    What's the pattern you used for the Tinkerbell purse? Gotta make that for my granddaughter...

  4. i love the tinkerbell! what kinds of fabrics did you use? is that ribbon on the front?

  5. Wow! That's a lot of knitting! The sweater for your mom is gorgeous! We just adopted more dogs, too, and it looks to me like your dog is like one of my new puppies--a beagle mix. I would venture something mixed with mountain cur, like beagle or or lab, which would make one serious hunting dog with one seriously gifted nose. BTW, can't wait to see how that quilt comes out!

  6. Lovely to see you blogging again, but with all that gorgeous knitting, nd that cute puppy, can see why you've been away! Keep well x
