
Saturday, January 7, 2012

One Stitch at a Time

It's been a little while.  I needed to take some time away from blogging over my semester break to take care of my family.  I finished one Christmas gift over break, but neglected to take any pics of it.  Other than that I've been working on a few random projects, mostly of the portable variety.

Earlier in my break I had been searching some sweater patterns on Ravelry and then several blogs and searches later I found some beautiful images of granny square afghans.  

I also had some scrap yarn all sitting next to each other in these pinks and mauves and browns that looked really pretty together.  Thus, another project was born.

Of course, I have had to buy a bit more filler yarn to pull it together and to ensure I had enough.

They're REALLY addicting.  

I've been carrying this basket with me all over the house in my free moments, trying to whip up just one more... I've got quite a stack going at the moment.

I'm hoping this will be an easy project to just work on a little at a time, whenever I can get to it.  On Monday I start my last semester of school and between classes (including my master's project), a new assistantship, my internship and my family I am really not sure how exactly I'm going to pull it all off.  I think I will probably working basically 6 days a week to pull it all off.

So if you don't hear from me much over the next few months you know why.