
Monday, November 15, 2010

A Feature, Some Fabric and a Future Felt

My button jewelry was featured over at Pinkapotamus today!  Thank you!  Amie Ann started a new Monday party a few weeks ago... you should check it out.  I added her super cute button to my Features page...

Featured on Pinkapotamus

I also keep forgetting to mention that I actually won something from the Blogger's Quilt Festival.  HOORAY and super huge thanks to Amy for hosting the festival!  I won a $20 gift certificate to Pink Chalk Fabrics.  It's a lovely online fabric store and I have to admit that I've been struggling to decide just what I want.  I think I will probably get 4 charm packs of this fabric collection...

It's called Dream On by Urban Chiks and I kinda like it.  It's sort of retro/happy/sweet and the colors are great.  I think with four packs I could make a decent sized quilt with some sashing or something... what do you think?

I've been tossing around lots of ideas for quilts lately, but have had no time to make any serious progress in that department and won't for a few more weeks.  Ugh.  But I have finally acquired all of the things I need to get started on my Christmas tutorial for Haul Out the Holly.  Now I just have to carve out a little more time...

And I have made some progress on my felting project.

Clearly, it's not felted yet, but it will be one day.  I still need to make it about 3 times the size it is now.  My intention is to make a messenger bag styled back pack.  After I make this one big long piece, I will felt it, sew on some sides, add a lining and straps and some buttons and hopefully it'll all work out.  I'm positive that doesn't make any sense without a pic, but I have to get back to paper writing so a sketch will have to wait.  It looks great in my head!  :)  LOL.


  1. Congrats on your win for the online fabric store! I really like that fabric, but I have no idea what "charm packs" are. :)
    But the fabric is pretty!!
    And your messenger bag is coming along... By the time you finish it, your son will be able to use it for when he starts school. (ONLY KIDDING! You know me with my jokes!!!! I know you have a lot going on so it is slow going!!!)

  2. I gave you an award! Stop by and check it out!

  3. Learning to knit, hope to felt on the project after the project I'm starting soon...

  4. oh gosh I used to knit then felt which took me so long, that is one reason I took up recycling old sweaters! SO much faster! But you are doing a great job on your crochet and your colors will felt nicely together!
