
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Waves of Gratitude

I am so happy that it is finally time for another Blogger's Quilt Festival!  Hooray!

Amy's Creative Side - Blogger's Quilt Festival

I think I may have mentioned a couple weeks ago that I am obsessed with bargello quilts.  I made my first early this year.  This is my second and I just love the combination of the smaller pieces and the wave effect of the fabrics as they move through the quilt.  It will not be my last either.

I picked out the majority of the fabrics in one trip to the fabric store.  It makes for a long trip, but for me it is really important to have all the fabrics together as you pick them out so you can more easily eliminate ones that don't belong and make sure one will flow well with the next.

As usual, I did not use a pattern. Basically, bargellos are made by sewing strips of one width together in some order and then cutting the sewn together strips again in the other direction at varying widths. I cut the first set of strips at 2 inches (so the finished width would be 1.5") and then cut those pieces again anywhere from 1" to 4". When you piece the strips together, you just stagger them by one block. For this particular one, I added one more step by having the image turn back out on itself from the center. They're not nearly as complicated as they look - one day I'll write a pattern or tutorial for it, but probably not for a little while.

It took me quite a while to decide on how I would quilt it.  I wanted the quilting to have curves to soften the geometry of the piecing and I also knew I wanted the quilting to follow along the waves.  In the end I decided on feathers.

I wasn't sure I'd be able to pull it off, not having a long arm, but I'm happy with it.  Which is good, because I almost ripped it all out on several occassions.

The quilt measures roughly 67" square and I backed it with flannel to make it extra snuggly. 

I named this quilt "Waves of Gratitude," because I actually made it for Quilts of Valor.  Their mission is "to cover all service members and veterans touched by war with wartime quilts called Quilts of Valor.  This foundation is not about politics.  It's about people."

Throughout the quilting process, even as I was first choosing fabrics, I was thinking about the person that would eventually get to take this quilt home.  I can hardly imagine what they may have seen or done in service of their country, but I thank them for it.  And I probably won't ever meet him or her, but hopefully they will know that they are appreciated.

Now that the quilt is finished and I've taken what feels like 4,000 pictures of it, I'll be taking it to my friend, Rita, who runs our local Quilts of Valor group called LOLQOV

I'll also be parading this quilt all through blogland via some of my favorite link parties, including Met Monday!  Check out my link parties page - they're all awesome! 

And I can't wait to check out all of your entries in the Blogger's Quilt Festival!


  1. Cecily, this is beyond stunning. It must have taken hours to do the top stitching alone. Whoever gets it will be very blessed. I'm so glad you're sharing it with us. *hugs* Kim

  2. My dear friend. This is such a touching gesture. When you said you were making this quilt, I did NOT realize that you were GIVING IT AWAY to a serviceman/servicewoman of our Armed Forces. I got so choked up reading your post! My son happened to be sitting here, so I read him a little of your post and he was impressed as well. And I love what you wrote on your label... whomever is the recipient of this wonderful quilt will probably read your message on the label many times a day and smile. And: the quilt! It's gorgeous!! As the two ladies said, who commented before me: it is beyond stunning and beautiful beyond words! They both said it PERFECTLY! Thank you for sharing this with us, and for doing this for someone who served our country. Blessings will be returned to you and yours. As my mother used to say: You will be rewarded a hundredfold.

  3. Cecily I am so, so impressed! That quilt is gorgeous and the fact that you made it for Quilts of Valor just about brought tears to my eyes. You did a fantastic job.

  4. Words cannot express how beautiful this is. It's beautiful to look at, but the meaning and purpose behind it is beautiful, too. Stunning. Absolutely stunning.

    From a Veteran (not of war. and not ever wounded), but a Veteran nonetheless, I thank you.

  5. wow...a truly amazing piece of work...the talent you have!

  6. WOW. That's hang on the wall and admire worthy!!

  7. Amazing! I can barely pick out fabrics for a nine patch!

  8. The pattern, the colors, the quilting, the label. I'm truly enjoying taking it all in. It's really really beautiful! You also take amazing photos -- your great at showing off your work!! I too teared up reading about why you choose the name and how you are donating this quilt! I'm the child of military parents and stuff like this reminds me why I love this country so much! You so kick butt for doing this! *big hugs*

  9. Oh my gosh, this is GORGEOUS!!! Thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures :-)

  10. Wow. I don't really have words. The wave looks incredible.

  11. This is beautiful - the quilt and that you are giving it to thank a serviceperson!

    Could you please tell us what pattern you used?

  12. Seriously, thanks to all of you for your sweet comments! I'm really happy with how it turned out.

    Carol H.: Sorry to say it, but I don't generally use patterns and didn't in this case. I've planned on trying to come up with either a pattern or a tutorial for a bargello like this one, but probably won't be able to do it for a while. You can google bargello quilts, though, and find some simpler patterns that way. It's actually a fairly simple strip piecing method.

  13. OMGoodness, how beautiful is that quilt? It is stunning. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Visiting from Shabby Nest! That quilt is amazing! I bet it was a ton of work!

  15. What a great quilt. Whoever gets it is going to be so thrilled with it.

  16. Such a beautiful quilt, made for a very special cause. And without a pattern? You must have "bargello sight". I'd like to make one some day, maybe by the time you post your tutorial, I'll be ready. Thank you for sharing.

  17. Stunning quilt! The recipient will surely feel the love and honor you have given him/her.

  18. As a new quilter I can't express how stunning this is! I am so impressed and hope that one day I will be able to pick out fabrics so perfectly, not to mention actually piece the quilt!! What a lovely and touching tribute for the serviceman/woman who receives this! Thank you for sharing!

  19. Gratitude! This fall season is all about that and how beautifully you've displayed a wonderful example for us to follow to be kind and generous and in such a fantastic way. Your quilting is beautifull and I love the movement the design creates and you did a magnificent job in quiling it.

  20. It's amazing, and there is a really cool 3d effect in the middle that I LOVE.

  21. Such a lovely quilt. I know it will brighten someone's day.

  22. You have obviously put a lot of work and heart into this quilt.

  23. You should DEFINITELY parade this all over blogland!! It is the most beautiful quilt I have ever seen. Seriously!! I have no talent for's obvious you have it in oodles. It's incredible!!!!

  24. IT is a VERY pretty quilt!! I love your choice of fabrics!!

    Do you have a good recommendation for a an easy pattern for someone who has never made one?? I have always wanted to make one but just haven't. Scared I guess!!! Seams are NOT my strong point!

  25. Oh my goodness. That must have taken ages to do the feather stitching. QOV is such a great cause and I'm sure the recipient will love this special and thoughtful quilt you made. I know I do.

  26. Oh my goodness, this is absolutely stunning! You did an amazing job! As the wife of a retired Air Force man, I am really touched by your quilt and that you are donating to a service man/woman. Thank you so much and God Bless You!

  27. Pretty quilt! The feathered stitching is fabulous!

  28. When I saw your picture in the picture link I thought "Oh a Bargello!" I'm so glad to read that someone likes making them because I made one from a quilt book -quilt as you go style and hate the thing. It's pretty but oh it's the bane of my quilting. You know the dirty little secret shoved in the back of the closet? If it had been my first quilt it so would have been my last quilt thankfully that wasn't the case.

    I do indeed love the feathers you quilted all over it. It is a delight to see a Bargello but yours is beyond delight. I'm certain whoever cuddles under it will love it too. What sort of batting did you use it's so nice and thick?

  29. Oh my gosh ... this quilt is amazing! And I'm just stunned by your pictures - are you a pro? Congrats to a wonderful quilt, shared in a wonderful post!

  30. Very beautiful Bargello QUILT is work!

  31. Beautiful design. You did a great job.

  32. I knew that quilt was yours as soon as I saw it on Creation Corner! Totally gorgeous!!! Whoever gets this is going to be speechless. Well done!

  33. That is simply gorgeous. Thanks so much for sharing!

  34. So, so gorgeous - you did a beautiful job with the quilting. The big pic of it reminds me of a tulip, the flower in the center at the top and the leaves coming up the sides from the bottom. Just stunning!

  35. Absolutely gorgeous!!! It makes me really wish I could quilt.

    Thanks for linking up to Crafty Friday!

  36. A very beautiful quilt and a wonderful donation to a great cause....Quilts of Valor!!!!

  37. What a beautiful quilt! I love reading about the process you went through in picking the fabric, and making design and quilting decisions. Thanks!

  38. Wow, Cecily! This is a stunning quilt. You have put so much work into it. The colours are wonderful and I love the wave effect. Your quilting has completed it beautifully.
    You should be very proud and I am sure the recipient will be most appreciative.

  39. Cecily, you did a fantastic job! It's beautiful. I am so intimidated to try a bargello! Jo Anna

  40. Such a nice thing to do for an unknown person. The quilt is beautiful!

  41. Such a beautiful quilt & a beautiful showing of gratitude. The recipient of this quilt will treasure it forever...I'm sure. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  42. Terrific story behind a gorgeous quilt. The backing is really nice too.

  43. Cecily, first off, thanks for visiting my quilt and for leaving such a sweet comment! secondly, wow. wow to you and your quilt. it is such a lovely bagello. and wow again that you are giving it away to someone who needs it. you're amazing!

  44. LOVE. Beautiful. Meaningful. Purposeful. Love.

  45. p.s. i'm your newest follower (btw)!

  46. This is a wonderful quilt and for such a worthy cause. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment.
    It's so nice to "meet" you

  47. A wonderful quilt made for such a wonderful reason. Awsume!!!

  48. Assolutamente meravigliosa!

  49. Incredible quilt -- I just love it! You did a great job! :)

  50. What a beautiful work....

    greetings from France

  51. Bargello quilts always blow my mind! I think you did a great job. The fact that you're giving away all that time and hardwork to someone else is really inspiring~

  52. Very beautiful and so intriquing how your design moves and flows. Bargellos are on my list of "to do someday". You are an angel to make this for a serviceman.

  53. Beautiful! This will be a treasured quilt.

  54. Fantastic bargello quilt- beautiful colors and I love the movement of the design. Bargello is one of my favorite quilt forms. I have made three of them but have patterns for a few more. They are very addicting to make.
    Your quilt will certainly be a treasure for its owner. What a lovely thing for you to do.
    Thanks for sharing. Enjoy the festival- I hope that you have many visitors during the festival.
    Regards from a Western Canadian quilter,

  55. This is beautiful! I had to say hello. I used to live in Naperville. Do you know the Garden Bell in Wheaton?

  56. Beautiful quilt, and beautiful sentiment. Thanks for sharing!

  57. Truly a gorgeous bargello! And without a pattern. I am very impressed. Nice job!

  58. A lovely executed bargello. Amazing how these quilts look so complicated but really aren't once you have done one and know the process. Nice patriotic colours you've used!

  59. This quilt is simply stunning! Your gift is priceless to our servicemen! Thank you for what you are doing!
    I am in AWE that you quilt w/o a pattern! What a gift you have!

  60. What a graphic quilt - I see a tulip or a big heart. What a generous donation. As an Army brat -- Thank you.

  61. Stunning quilt. Really want to try a Bargello Quilt but they scare me a little.



  62. Wow Cecily! Your bargello quilt is simply amazing :oD

  63. the bargello pattern just makes this come alive. it is gorgeous

  64. Wow! This quilt is just beautiful!! Such a wonderful gesture to donate it to QOV! Love it!!!!!

  65. so beautiful. I'm so glad you made it for our troops! What a gift! I love the's just gorgeous. Great job!
    Thanks for joining my link party and stop by again for a fun necklace giveaway! Have a great week!

  66. Wow. The amount of work that surely went into this is just mind boggling. What a unique, beautiful piece of art - because that's what it is, it's truly art!

  67. Beautiful! What a generous thank you gift to our servicemen and women!

  68. This is beautiful and perfect colors! I am impressed that you did feathers too. Love that you made it for quilts of valor! Whoever gets it will love it!

  69. stunning quilt!! and you made up the pattern--that's so fantastic. love the colors and the fabrics and quilts of valor is a wonderful place for it to end up. thanks for sharing and have a great day!

  70. What a priceless 3-D piece of usuable art (the best kind). I'm sure this will be a treasure for generations. Thanks for joining us at A Crafty Soiree and I hope you share another project tomorrow!

  71. Hi Cecily, This is simply amazing - job well done! I can only imagine the time! Thanks so much for linking to the Sunday Showcase Party! I greatly appreciate it! I'll be featuring this today - stop by and grab a feature button if you like. Hope you are enjoying your week! ~ Stephanie Lynn

  72. Very beautiful! I enjoyed looking at it and thinking of making one. Thank you for sharing.

  73. stunning...can't wait for a tutorial!

  74. Wow that is so amazing, love how that looks...thanks for linking up! See you next week!

  75. Wow, this is amazing. I can't believe the affect you achieved. Amazing! Really!

  76. Cecily!
    BREATH-TAKING! STUNNING! You did a marvelous job of the quilting! Anyone receiving this masterpiece will be honored!!!


  77. I'm speechless... such a beautiful quilt and for a service member, no less... I know it will truly be loved and appreciated. Those are fun quilts to do. I have a strip set saved away to do one. Can't wait!

  78. Beautiful and as a wife of a service member who knows men and women who have received these quilts, they are WELL received and appreciated.

    I love the name, too. So pretty.

  79. Ma'am,

    I would like to thank you so much for making this quilt for one of our Military members. It is a beautiful quilt with a fitting name. I serve in the Military, and have not been deployed yet, but plenty of my friends have. They love receiving gifts from home and I know whoever receives this quilt will be truly thankful.

    Very Respectfully,

  80. This is so beautiful, visually appealing (please write the tutorial!), nicely quilted, and all for such a wonderful cause. Bravo!

  81. This is prety amazing! Beautiful!

  82. I'm over here from MM. This quilt is absolutely breathtaking! I'm in awe of your talent. This just made me want to be your newest follower. Come see me @
    I love company!

  83. Breathtakingly and the quilt!
