
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Recycled Bird Seed Bags

Sometimes I'll get an idea for a project and then get side-tracked for one reason or another.  I usually get back to them... eventually.  This particular project started as an idea two Earth Days ago.  I think I was just a little daunted by how I was going to pull this idea off. 

So it was Earth Day 2009.  There was, of course, a big push to use reuseable bags instead of plastic ones and I kept coming across these neat bags that were made from recycled rice bags. 

Well, I don't buy rice in quantities of bigger than, say, 2 pounds.  But I do buy 20 and 40 pound bags of bird seed regularly and those bags are made of that same nylon mesh stuff that you can't just recycle the usual way.  Now some of these bags are really pretty... here are a few examples.

I got the idea to use the bags as you would fabric.  And I also wanted to see if I could create something slightly more fun than a bag to just haul groceries in.  I already had a pattern that I liked - the Bella bag by Monica Poole.  I bought it online from Henrietta's Handbags.  I wanted to use a second fabric in the pattern to break up the pattern a bit and figured burlap would make a great contrast.  I found the lining fabric in the remnant pile at JoAnn's.  After that I just basically followed the pattern, except I did not use any Pellon or press any of the seams because I was afraid of melting the nylon mesh (and I really hate to iron, period).

Here's the back...

Oh, and there's my helper!  Always ready to sneak into a shot.

I used one of those neat recycled buttons they have at JoAnn's now.  I love how they're almost textural.

Now I don't see these as becoming quite so popular as the feedseed prints of the '30's, but I do look at the designs on the bags when it's time to buy a new bag of bird seed.  You can adapt almost any bag pattern to work with this stuff and it's free material if you're like me and keep your bird feeder stocked.  It would also make for great reusable lunch bags or totes.

Hope I gave you some ideas!


  1. What a crazy fantastic beautiful idea !! OMG ! The bag is SO Pretty !

  2. Seriously, you take the concept of creativity to new heights!

  3. PS You could make a fortune making cloth diaper bags out of that stuff. Or beach bags.

  4. I just might have to change the brand of birdseed I buy so I can make one of these. Yours is beautiful and unique and I LOVE it!

  5. I found you via Weekend Wrap Up and so glad I did! I collect posts on this topic. You may be interested in a guest post on my blog about I repurposing a burlap rice bag into a stylish tote here

    Happy crafting!!

  6. This is an amazingly fun, smart and cute bag.

  7. That turned out wonderfully! Great job!

  8. Very pretty and I really like what images you incorporated and where and how you incorporated them.

  9. Gee, I don't buy birdseed, but this idea is enough to get me started! Love the look of your bag. Have you had the opportunity to use it much and see how durable it is? You've got a winner here! Thanks for dropping by Buttermilk Cottage today and I hope you'll come back often.

  10. I love all things recycled and upcycled! Your bag is adorable!

  11. This is great! Do you think I could feature this on one of my re-use blog posts next month? Let me know

  12. Your bag is so cute! I featured this check it out and grab a button if you'd like!

  13. I have some left over burlap but I just threw away my birdseed bag! This is such an awesome idea! I guess I definitely need to go get another bag of seed :)

  14. So, so glad I hopped over from "Something I Whipped Up" at The Girl Creative! I love your blog, your blog name, your style, and your button (It's so darn cute that I'm wondering if you'd be up for a button swap?).

    What a wonderful craft, and way to celebrate Earth Day EVERY day! I've seen a few projects made with bird seed bags, but yours really takes it to the next level! What fabulous style, great design, and professional results. I'm tempted...very tempted. I just bought a small bird feeder and a small bag of seed. Hmmmm...hopefully it'll be a big hit with the birds so I can pick up a few of those big bags and try this project for myself!

    Best, Jenn/Rook No. 17

  15. That is such a great idea. Even if you weren't a recycling kind of gal (who isn't these days) it is still one of the cutest bags I've seen.

  16. LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS! You should sell them or maybe you do. :)

  17. I LOVE it! Love it!! If I could sew like that, I'd be making one tonight!! Thanks for sharing this great project with everyone at Anything Related!!

  18. I came over from Craft Gossip and so glad I did. What a very creative and useful way to use bird seed bag!

  19. Hi Ceiley. Your bag is amazing! You have done an incredible job - love it!! I'll be featuring this today. Stop by and grab a featured button if you like. Thanks so much for joining the Sunday Showcase party! Hope you have a wonderful week! ~ Stephanie Lynn

  20. Love it! This is so awesome! Thanks for linking up to Mad Skills Monday!

  21. Seriously amazing. What a brilliant idea. Love the look of it.

  22. What a clever idea!! Love the bag! Thanks for linking @Creative Itch's "Sew Cute Tuesday"!

  23. very clever!!

    stop over to enter my giveaway

  24. Wow, I love the contrast between the burlap and the colorful bags. It all goes together so well. What a great idea....haven't seen it before.

  25. Wow - I love this bag. So creative! I'm going to go see what my husband did with those bags. I had no idea! Love the burlap too.

    Stop by if you get the chance: Gen X Quilters (

  26. What a great recycled bag! I love it!

  27. I've seen your bag featured and just had to tell you how much I like it!! So cute and creative. I love the seed bags and think it makes a fun unique purse!!!

  28. It looks so pretty and stylish. It's a great idea. Too bad I didn't find it a few days ago when I threw away a rice bag.

  29. Wow...such a creative idea!! I better go see what my bag of birdseed looks like so I inspired to do something similar!! Karen

  30. Beautiful! You are sooo creative and you have a cute little helper.

  31. You are so talented! I love the textures. You should link up to my "Saying Goodbye to Summer" party on Monday...showcasing our summer decor, crafts, photography, etc. to inspire each other before autumn hits.


  32. What a cute and clever idea! Love it.

    Thanks for linking up to the “Cheap Thrills Thursday” party at Black Kats Design. I hope you had fun and will join in again next Thursday!


  33. wow! They're so bright and I love the patterns. I never guessed they were made with bird seed sacks! Genius!
    I'd love it if you would link up to my Friday link party!
    Have a lovely night!

  34. Now that is so stinkin' cute and fabulous, thanks for sharing!

  35. Ah that's awesome! I never would have thought of that!

    Visiting from new friend friday!

  36. What a cool bag! You're so thrifty and earth friendly!
    Visiting from

  37. This is a terrific find!!! I never would have thought! Great job, girl! Thank you so much for linking this up to my party at Frou Frou Decor!! Have a great weekend!!
    ~Terrell @ FFD~

  38. this is so cool...i love how you made this.

  39. Wow, this bag is a fantastic! I definietly want to try and make this! I am following you through FFF... check out my craft projects on my blog:

  40. This is so cool and unique! I love it! Thanks for joining us at sew & tell!

  41. Okay, that is just FABULOUS. Seriously. I love that. What a creative and fun idea. Love love love it. Thank you for linking it up and making my day today :) Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  42. I have said this many times anyone who recyles and reuses is a A plus with me. Your purses are just adorable!!

  43. What a great idea. Thanks for sharing. The bag is really pretty.

  44. Beautiful and so creative! I won't look at my birdseed bag without being reminded of your fabulous use for it. Stopping over from Sew & Tell. Happy Sewing! :o)

  45. I'm featuring this next week! thank you for linking did a GREAT job!

  46. Very cool. I love projects that reuse. These bird seed bags are so colorful and fun. Great idea.

  47. I featured you because you're awesome!

    Feel free to grab a button if you want. :)

  48. That's a fantastic upcycled bag, I just love it!

  49. This is so beautiful. Bird seed bags, who would have thought? I love everything about your blog and I'm so excited that you're following me so I could do the same. Thank you for your sweet comments, they brought a huge smile to my face.

    Take care, have a wonderful rest of the weekend!
    -Ann Marie

  50. absolutely gorgeous! fabulous use of materials and inspiration. finished product- i give an A+

  51. absolutely gorgeous, I am going to write about this on my blog if you dont mind!

  52. I love your recycled bird see bag. I have seen something done with dog or cat food bags too. One day I might have time to try one of these. I've been saving my cat food bags for that purpose.
