
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Projects, Peeks and Plans

A big week for Craftopotamus.  My bird seed bag was featured on Tater Tots and Jello, Under the Table and Dreaming, So Very Creative and Craft Gossip.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Wow.  The bird seed bag also helped to bump up my number of followers faster than expected (and I want to be clear, that is NOT a complaint) so I've had to resort my project urgency list so that I could focus on my 100 follower giveaway... we're not there yet, but it's definitely within reach.  Here's a sneak peek.

I also FINALLY started an art quilt.  No more talking about it, I just jumped in.

Not much to look at yet, but you've got to start somewhere, right?  And I had fun learning how to use my printer to print onto fabric - way easier than I thought.

I also had a lovely follower ask me for a copy of one of my quilt patterns, Wright's Windows.  Which is awesome and flattering, but somehow I have to turn this...

... into a legible quilt pattern that someone other than my math-loving self can understand.  It'll be a good exercise for me.

Also made some progress on my Quilts of Valor project...

And then there's this...

"What's THAT?" you ask?  THAT is a pile of textbooks, my friends.  I start my masters in Urban Planning this coming week and am scared to death about it.  Silly, I know, but just look at those books, invading my craft room, looming over my fabric, pushing aside my iron... 

So, again, big week for Craftopotamus.  And if you're a regular reader that hasn't actually clicked the "follow" button yet... come on in, the water's fine...  :)


  1. Goodness. Text books should never be allowed in a craft room! Here is to a great start to your masters!!!!
    PS - all the pics of your quilts in progress are great!

  2. Love the picture of your quilt pattern book. The math looks like long as it isn't calc.

    Best of luck at orientation and in school.

  3. Congrats on your features for your bird seed bag!! It's totally adorable-I love it!


  4. Congratulations on 100 followers, almost there and good luck on the upcoming school year.

    New Friend from the girls creative

  5. that's very cool... congrats! beautiful quilt + art quilt. i am your newest follower... crossing my fingers you visit me and follow too. stopping by from nff

  6. I'm excited to see what your giveaway will be! (stopping by from NFF). Cute blog. Looking forward to hearing more.

  7. Hi Cecily! I saw your link on NFF and thought I'd stop back over and made sure I'd followed the other day - but apparently I didn't. So I'm correcting that now! ;) I can't wait to see what you do with your quilt!!

  8. Hey! I saw your link on NFF. I love your blog! I love to craft! So, we're going to be fast friends!

  9. Your quilts of Valor quilt is very pretty; but the art quilt looks like it is going to be a monstrous amount of work. I hope it turns out well. Visiting you from New Friend Fridays. Hope yours was a great one! Stop by for a visit some time. Following you now.

  10. Following from Trendy Treehouse blog hop. I just made an art quilt this summer. It was my first one but I learned a lot from doing it and I am considering another. you can see a pic at


  11. love all your patchwork!!Hi..I’m Barb….I am from FF. I am your newest follower. I hope you will get a chance to visit my blog @ & get inspired by something for your family/home. I hope you will follow me as well. I also would love for you to be a new Fan of my Facebook page too & click “LIKE” in the upper right hand corner of my blog & you’ve done it..Thanks so much! I am just starting at Facebook. Nice to meet ya new friend!!!

  12. Your work is amazing. That Quilts of Valor is just astonishing.

  13. Hiya, I wish you all the best with your upcoming school studies! :D

  14. People ask me for patterns all the time too and I say no for the same reason. I have a method to my maddness but I am quite sure I could never begin to explain it to anyone else. ha.

  15. AKKK! Those text books need another home. Don't let them invade the fabric. They can live on the back patio. Or the car (as the go to the library). ANYTHING BUT THE FABRIC !!!!
