Monday, August 23, 2010

100 Follower Giveaway - or Should I Say QUILTAWAY!

I've been looking forward to this post for a little while now.  A couple months ago, I realized that within my stash I had a group of fabrics that accidentally went together beautifully for a quilt and decided that I would use them to make one for one of you.  With time running out before school starts for me, I knew it had to be on the simpler side and this is what I came up with...

I named it Over the Garden Gate.  The white bars remind me of a fence and the color combinations remind me of a flower garden.  I also was trying to capture the feeling of how, as we click our way through blogs and link parties, it can feel like we are peeking into someone else's craft room or living room or kitchen - just stopping by for a minute to chat before heading out to the next link down the street.  There is a sense of community out there that I just wasn't expecting to find at the outset.

I all but stumbled into blogging at the end of May, basically deciding I wanted to do it because I found out there was something called the Blogger's Quilt Festival.  What I could not have known was what a warm, generous and creative group of people I would find on my travels through blog-land and how the very act of blogging itself would push my creativity and give that part of my life focus, definition and goals.  As I was cutting and sewing and quilting this quilt, I was thinking about the many comments I've gotten from some of you on my various projects, your insights into your own crafts and some of the beautiful things you guys have made and shared on your blogs.  It is amazing to me how we just keep putting ourselves and our projects out there and how often someone has something lovely to share with us because of it.  This quilt is for each of you, even if I could only make one.

On a personal level, it's nice to finally have a group of individuals that are truly interested in all of my crafts and not just humoring me because I just dragged them up to my craft room, again, to show them things that they just don't get or can't understand the amount of hours I just "lost" creating whatever it was.  I thank you and my friends and family thank you.  :)

I decided to give the back a little interest using some of the scraps from the top.

The quilting is difficult to see in photos since it is white on white, but it's an all-over meandering pattern.  I originally planned on quilting it more tightly, but I used a higher-loft batting and I thought it looked better more widely spaced.  I finished the binding by hand. 

The quilt measures 62" x 76". 

This quilt is washed and ready to be sent to one of you.  It still needs a label and I promise it will have one before I send it out.  I just haven't decided what I want it to say yet.

Thanks for reading my blog and a special thank you to all of my followers - you make blogging fun.  :)

Here are the giveaway quiltaway rules...

You have 3 chances to enter.  Each comment is considered an entry (no more than three per person):

1. Leave a comment about this quilt or what you might do with it if you win it or about what blogging has meant to you.

2. Become a follower.  Just leave a comment, whether you're a new follower or old, just saying that you are one.

3. Blog about this quiltaway or post one of my buttons (located in my sidebar) on your blog.  Let me know which you did and post the link in the comment.

Please make sure there is a way for me to contact you by email!  This quiltaway will run from now through Sunday, September 12th at 6:00pm.  The winner will be drawn by random number generator and announced Monday, September 12th at 9:00am.

GOOD LUCK!!  I hope YOU win!

Linking up to Atticmag's Giveaway Friday.


1 – 200 of 550   Newer›   Newest»
Tyne said...

That is absolutely beautiful. I wish I could sew. My grandma and my mom both make quilts. My grandma has made quilts for all of the grandkids when they got married. She had a stroke in 2004 and can no longer do what she loves. That means, my sister and my cousin Brett, and myself won't get a quilt made by grandma!

Tyne said...

I'm definitely a follower!

Brittany said...

I don't think Ihave ever wanted to win a giveaway more! This is BEAUTIFUL!

I have been on a winning streak, and I really-really-really hope it extends to this giveaway!

My goodness! You are so talented!!

Pick me! Pick me!!!!

Michele {The Scrap Shoppe} said...

Ooooh! Its gorgeous! I would definitely use this to snuggle with my little one. Love it!

Michele {The Scrap Shoppe} said...

And I'm a happy follower!

Brittany said...

blogged about it under my giveaways!!!

Terri said...

Wow, that is beautiful. I also just hit 100 fans and am trying to come up with something for my first giveaway, I doubt mine will be this good! I would use this for my 1 year old twins to play on!

Terri said...

I am a follower (Old)

Karly said...

Absolutely beautiful. It would adorn my couch (it happens to be my colors) and I would snuggle my three kids up in it! I am too scraed to make one myself...maybe it would give me inspiration!

Anonymous said...

This is such a finatastic and personal giveaway! I am flattered that you would even do this for one of US. I too have just started bloggin this year (Jan) and have had a wonderful and surprising experience! You are right, there is such a wonderful sense of community here in (crafty) blogland! I would use this quilt on my guestbed. The colours are perfect, and I would always have a lovely story to share! Thanks for the great opportunity!

Anonymous said...

I am also a follower of this blog (a recent follower mind you), but I love reading about what you have been up to! (I forgot to put my email in the last comment... sorry!)

Anonymous said...

I put your (owl) button on my blog (it fits the theme of my blog so well!) and I will also be blogging about this great quiltaway very soon! Thanks again for the opportunity!!

Beverly {Flamingo Toes} said...

What an amazingly generous giveaway!! I love that quilt. I would love to have it as a throw - we love to cuddle up under blankets here in So Cal.
I'm just speechless. PICK MEE!!!

Beverly {Flamingo Toes} said...

I'm a follower! And I so agree with what you said about blogging - especially the part about having people interested in what you're doing. It makes all the difference doesn't it?!

cry24 said...

This quilt is so beautiful!! I would curl up on my porch with it in the mornings!!

cry24 said...

I have been a follower for a while now, love your blog!

cry24 said...

I blogged about the giveaway on my blog again such a beautiful quilt!!

Ginia said...

I'm a follower.
Virginia Bell

Sally Hamilton said...

I've been following your blog for about a month now. I'm a rabid! crafter/quilter/beader and am sure I drive the people around me nuts. This quiltaway is very pretty. Too funny that I just finished using one of the greens in your quiltaway in a baby quilt I made for my neighbor. This quiltaway is very generous!

Ginia said...

Beautiful quilt!
That is so generous of you to give it away. You blog is wonderful!
Virginia Bell

Sandy said...

I have a giveaway on my blog too! If I won this quilt, I would put it in my guest room. I have an antique bedroom suite that it would work perfect with!!!

Sandy said...

I'm a follower too!

Ginia said...

Oh, I'm also a follower.

Lunzi said...

I totally know how you feel when you said you feel like you drag people up to your craft room and they humor you! I really laughed out loud as I read it. I've had that going on for YEARS AND YEARS!!! It's hard to find people who can truly appreciate the long hours spent coordinating and piecing together projects.

Beautiful job... excellent colors... I love when scraps can come together and make and make something impressive.

RosieB said...

The quilt is beautiful, I love the colours. If I won it I would use it to keep my knees warm whilst I'm enjoying some tv in the winter :)
Thanks for this lovely giveaway
zalia2004 at

Sherry said...

This quilt is just beautiful and if I won it I would cherish it. I love to do many different types of creating as I see you do also. I have been blogging sinch March and have learned so many new things, been motivated to complete projects, but best of all I love "meeting" new people and having a glimpse into their world.

Sherry said...

I am a new follower of your blog and have enjoyed looking around today.

Sherry said...

I just put your button on my blog and noted that you are having a giveaway.

Kimberlee, The Spunky Diva said...

I love this quilt, and would love to give it a loving home in my TV room. I love your title for it, and agree that bloggers are a very generous group.

Michele T said...

Oh My Gosh! I would love to win this quilt!! It is awesome and you couldn't have thought of a better name for it! If I won, I would put it on display in our living room (but honestly it would be wrapped around me!) Thanks for your generosity!!

Michele T said...

I am a follower and look forward to future posts. Thanks for the chance to win this gorgeous quilt!! (I still can't believe that you are actually giving it away - holy smokes!!)

Jenny said...

What a lovely quilt. I saw this on another blog I follow. You are quite talented. And I love that clever use of a few happy rectangles on the back.

Gosh...if I won this when I got back from the emergency room from the heart attack I would probably have I would...

throw it over my chaise lounge in my little reading room and cuddle up under the lovely kaleidoscope of colors whenever I read - which is a lot!

Jenny said...

I am a new follower. Thanks for this amazing chance.

Tracey said...

It is sooo beautiful! I am so excited about your blog and the great projects you share.
Do you use a quilt frame or do you lay it out on the floor or table to work on? I have a couple of unfinished ones that I've inheirted but don't know how to manage the size of them.
New follower.

Jamie said...

This quilt is gorgeous. I would keep it for myself and stare at it all day! or maybe I'd give it to someone REALLY special. What a great design and I love the fabrics!

Roeckers said...

I have a cute little ape baby that would look great wrapped up at night in this quilt!

Marita said...

I am a follower!

Belinda said...

Well, that sure turned out great! Love those colors.

Belinda said...

Been a follower for a few days now. Love your blog!

Mandy Beyeler said...

I would love this quilt in my guest bedroom - - beautiful!! mandybeez at gmail

Anonymous said...

oh how i would love this quilt , i seriously have always always wanted a homemade quilt , i am so in love with it , you have a wonderful talent . thanks


Henry said...

I'd love to spread this lovely quilt over my daughter's bed. I remember getting lost in and reflecting on all the different designs in my quilt as a child, and how cool it felt on my skin, when I'd firt pull it over me. I'd love my child to know that kind of joy!

Henry said...

gfc follower!

Unknown said...

I would so love this quilt. I am re-doing our bedroom and it's just the right colours for it. I have been trying to figure out the quilt that I want, but haven't had the time or the energy to do it as of yet. Thank you for doing this for your followers!

Unknown said...

I am now a follower and look forward to seeing what else you have in store.

Unknown said...

I am going to link you up on my blog. I'm borrowing a button.


Grammy Goodwill said...

What a generous giveaway. I tried quilting years ago, but then I went back to work and never had the time. Now that I'm retired, maybe I can try again. Your quilt could be my inspiration. Thank you for the chance to win.

Grammy Goodwill said...

I'm a new follower. (I just learned how to do it. hehehe)

deserae said...

I would love to use this quilt on my couch!
P.S. My sister is also named Cecily! It isn't that common of a name. :)

deserae said...

I am a follower

Sandy said...

This is gorgeous!I always love how a pieced backing looks.Thank you for the opportunity to win such a beautiful quilt!

missbossypants said...

What a gorgeous quilt! - and so generous of you to give away such a labour of love! I love the colour combination. I would use it on my lazyboy for the lovely coolish upcoming fall evenings when I still keep the windows open, and get lost in a great book. Thanks for the chance to win!

missbossypants said...


Jenn said...

I love.Love.LOVE this quilt! How beautiful! It would be perfect to snuggle up with my girls {and my guys, too, when the real boy cracks thru that tough 'tween exterior...} for a movie. :)

jenashford said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jenashford said...

I just became a follower!

jenashford at swbell dot net

jenashford said...

I want to win this quilt for ME! I want to have it all to myself & just look at it & admire how pretty it is. We quilters don't often make quilts for ourselves, so it would be nice to have one just for me!

jenashford at swbell dot net

jenashford said...

I put your button on my blog! Warning: my blog is pretty basic right now. I'm working on how to make it better. :)

jenashford at swbell dot net

mommy2luke2008 said...

I LOVE this quilt!! It is so beautiful and I love the detail on the back! I would soo cover up with this with my son while we watch t.v.!!
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com

adria said...

I'm officially a follower! I love this quilt - it is the perfect reflection of the quiet summer moments that I had as a child. If I were to win it, I would squeal with delight and snuggle underneath it in the upcoming cool fall and winter nights. It's simply beautiful - the colors, the details, the sense of dreaminess...LOVE!

mommy2luke2008 said...

I Just became a follower!!
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com

mommy2luke2008 said...

I put your button on my blog, it's on the right, scrolling under "places where I hang out"
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com

kelkayla said...

Just became a follower!

kelkayla said...

I love this! My daughter would love in on her bed!

rosemaryschild said...

Every quilt is a work of art & oh so beautiful! This quilt is no exception - luv the idea u had on the backing! Susan

rosemaryschild said...

I am a follower!

kelkayla said...

Just added your button on the left of my blog!

Quiltstory said...

I am following! Would love if you would add this beautiful quilt and giveaway at our quilting site. We have a linky fabric tuesday party going we would love to see you there...

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Quilt! I would love to have it to enhance my daughter's room. It would really become a favorite for her!

bsyb100 at gmaildot com

Anonymous said...

I am a new follower! THANKS for the inspiration to get some quilting started!

bsyb100at gmail dot com

paulette said...

You said it SEW well..blogging has opened up a whole new world for me...all these quilting friends!! Lots to share and lots to see and be inspired!! Thanks for this wonderful, generous Give Away!!

Julie said...

Oh wow! This is just so beautiful and what a generous giveaway.

Turtle said...

i follow!

Unknown said...

I am in awe of anyone who quilts, my meager attempts have taught me respect! What a generous and awesome giveaway...I would cuddle up with this blanket every night! Many thank s!!

Turtle said...

That is so sweet and gorgeous! I have been wanting to quilt for awhile but my machine has been pretty messed up and not cooperating. Daughter left for college out of state this past weekend, this would look beautiful in her bland colored dorm room. Being a crafter herself she appreciates the work it takes when making something.

Unknown said...

I am a new follower! Thanks for the inspiration...

Rachel S. said...

The most amazingly meaningful and generous of self, time, and materials giveaway! Wow, thanks for the fun opportunity. It is GORGEOUS! I would hang it in my living room on the wall...the color scheme matches perfectly! We have had trouble hanging art because our walls are stuccoed really heavily....but a quilt would work like a dream!
rachel DOT m DOT shay AT hotmail DOT com

Rachel S. said...

I am a new follower! Thanks again, for the fun!

quiltingnana said...

just found your blog and now I am becoming a follower

quiltingnana said...

I love the way you carried your theme to the back...I hope I win this quilt!

Barbara said...

Okay, I'll bite! I've added your bug on a pink flower button to my blog, and I'm a faithful follower now. Your quilt is beautiful, and you so eloquently stated what I've discovered about blogging on my own without even realizing it.

I belong to a guild, but I've found more comaraderie online among blogging quilters. I so enjoy reading your blogs and seeing what you're working on, and I love the encouragement I get from others when I post my own work.

I hope I'm a winner! But it'll be fun to play along even if I'm not.

Barbara said...

I guess I'm supposed to say that I'm a follower in a separate comment.

Barbara said...

And finally, your button is posted on my blog at

I hope that's the link you're talking about.

Anonymous said...

What a cool quilt .... I love it!

Anonymous said...

I am now a follower too ;)

Anonymous said...

Your "cricket" button is now on my sidebar at :)

Unknown said...

This quilt is so lovely! I wish I had the time and skill needed to make something like this myself. If I won this I would really want to keep it for myself, but would probably give it to my grandmother, who just moved into a seniors residence. We're trying to fill the place with lovely things and make her comfortable.

Unknown said...

I'm a follower on GFC.

Shay said...

I am a new follower and look forward to reading your blog.

Shay said...

I think this beautiful quilt would look great in my 6 year old granddaughters room.I hope I win!!

Debra said...

I am a follower- and if I were to win this beautiful quilt I would put it om my bed!!

charcharr said...

I am a new follower of your blog.

Lori said...

What great colors in your quilt!
I would love to win it.
I will use it on my couch while watching TV!

meeyeehere said...

I really love this quilt and I want it so badly!!!!
I would wrap myself in it to hold my wee man every morning,I would watch tv with my husband wrapped in it and them I would cover up at night with it because my blanket is a little on the thin side.I would love to have a handmade quilt,and this one is just my style too!! Please enter me and I will cross my fingers and toes!
Thank you

meeyeehere said...

I am follower number 140 so I am your newest follower.

meeyeehere said...
I blogged about it even though a little devil told me not too because lots of people will enter and my chances go down.The angel on the other side made me. Have a nice week. Baa!!

The Byron family said...

I am a new follower! I am a beginner at quilting and LOVE every minute of it! I would be THRILLED to get your beautiful quilt!

Katie S said...

Beautiful quilt!!! I really want to win this!! My birthday is 6 days after this ends and it would be such a fantastic birthday present!!! You did a fabulous job on this!!!

Blogging to me means my life in a journal!! I love blogging!!

Katie S said...

I am now a follower!!!!!!

Katie S said...

I posted your button with the bug on my sidebar!!

But really I didnt want to because I don't want anyone else to enter :) haha...

sara and gailon said...

beautiful! i am a newbie quilter and fascinated by the talents of others!

sara and gailon said...

added a button to my blog!

B. said...

Wow what an amazing gift you have and an amazing gift that you are giving. It really would make a beautiful quilt to wrap up in with a good book in the fall in my backyard. I could use to do more reading.

StephanieC said...

Beautiful! I think I'd save it for my future daughter's nursery, i love the colors! scg00387 at yahoo dot com

Allie said...

I'm so happy to have found your blog. That is a beautiful quilt! How lucky will the winner be! I would love to put this on the end of my bed!

Allie said...

I am a {new} follower!

Unknown said...

I love the quilt and would use it in my guest bedroom

hawkeyejlp said...

I'm a follower!

hawkeyejlp said...

I would love to win the quilt...because it is gorgeous! Love your color choices and your workmanship!

sy said...

the quilt is beautiful!! thanks for hosting the giveaway.
songyueyu at gmail

sy said...

i'm a follower

Rhonda said...

So gorgeous! I would love to gift it to my mom. It fits the style of her home perfectly!

Sew Much Ado said...

That is a beautiful quilt! You are so generous to give it away, wow! I so agree that only others who sew can understand the time it takes to create something. People think something can be "whipped up", and I think for the most part, can't appreciate all the effort. Thanks for such a great giveaway!

Nicki said...

It's so beautiful! I have decided to change my bedroom colors to something much lighter and brighter than I currently have. I am a quilter myself, but having 4 kids and another due in Dec., my quilting time is almost nonexistant! So I would gladly take one made by someone else!

Nicki said...

I am a follower!

Leslie said...

you are so generous....this is beautiful and this is such a nice reason to give a quilt away.


chris said...

What an incredibly generous thing to do. I can't believe you're giving that quilt away! Blogging has given me a support system for my need to create that I didn't have before. I've met some amazingly gifted and inspired folks, and it has given me motivation to be better at what I try to do.

Thank you for the chance.

Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

How nice of you - you love your followers!

chris said...

Am a new follower. Thank you glad to have found your little piece of blogland.

ShirleyC said...

That is a beautiful quilt. I love quilts. I learned how to sew piecing quilt tops with my mom.

ShirleyC said...

I am now a follower of your blog.

Julie S said...

What a pretty quilt! I have been reading quilt blogs forever; just recently I started my own blog...mostly to post pics so my mom could see what I am either quilting or gardening!

becky said...

Wow...what a beautiful quilt! I would use it to cozy up under! My

becky said...

I am now a follower! What a beautiful quilt! I hope I am lucky enough to win!

Shari said...

What a generous giveaway. You put some of us to shame with your generosity and your skills. I would love to have this quilt to put on my mother's bed. She is in a nursing home and she wants colorful and personal things around her. All the quilts she had are left in Calif. so this would be a great heart warmer for her. Thanks for the opportunity.

Shari in Colorado (

Quiltstory said...

What a sweet, thoughtful and GORGEOUS gveaway! That was such a great post and I can agree with you on a lot of what you said and blogging! If I had this beautiful quilt I would snuggle up in it while I was blog hopping!! :)

We're following!

Thanks for linking up too, hope to see you again next week :)

Dorian said...

Hi! Found you at Sew Much Ado...and soo glad I did! I am your newest follower and have posted your button on my blogs sidebar.

I love your quilt! I have been thinking of learning how to quilt because I so love and appreciate the craftiness it takes. I love to win it!

Béa said...

What a generous giveaway ! Very beautiful quilt, hugs from France.

Béa said...

I am a new follower.

Unknown said...

I would love to cuddle up under the quilt in front of the fire and read a book in a cold, dark winters night in Norway.

Unknown said...

Im a follower

Kimberlee, The Spunky Diva said...

I am a follower!

jac. said...

I am a new follower! This quilt is gorgeous!

jac. said...

So hard to decide, the quilt would definitely be my new snuggle quilt either in my basement (where we always hang out) or in my more formal living room so I could proudly display it.

Eccentric Mama said...

Beautiful quilt. I plan on giving the quilt to my daughter as a gift if I win.

Eccentric Mama said...

I am now a follower.

sld0622 said...

Gosh this is a cute quilt...and the backing is great!

Jennifer said...

This is a beautiful quilt! I wish I knew how to sew :( but since I don't I just collect beautiful already-made quilts :)

Brooke said...

This really is a beautiful quilt. I'm planning on making a stacked coins quilt for my new niece. If I one this quilt, it would go up for silent auction to help a little boy with cerebral palsy. Thanks for the chance!

Gwen @ Gwenny Penny said...

I'm a follower. Love your blog!

Gwen @ Gwenny Penny said...

I love this quilt. It's gorgeous. The fabrics are beautiful together. I would place it across the end of my bed.

I just started blogging a few weeks ago, and I love it. I love getting comments and slowly picking up followers here and there. I completely agree that it's nice to get compliments from people who are genuinely interested in what I am doing and not just humoring me.

kzieler said...

Beautiful quilt. Would love to put it away for my daughter to use when she is older. My e-mail is Thank you!

kzieler said...

I am new to the blogging world and have learned so much valuable information from reading other people's. It's amazing the talent that is out there in the world.

Amber D said...

What a great quilt I'm so glad I found your blog!

Amber D said...

I'm already a follower!

Rachael said...

wow that quilt is amazing, im just a beginner in the world of quilting but im getting better. oh how lovely it would be to win.

Rachael said...

im also a follower. YAY

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower girly!! :)

Anonymous said...

If I won this quilt, I would showcase it in my photography studio. I am a quilter as well, but always LOVE other's work so much more. It's like having someone cook for you. :)

Thanks so much for making this lovely quilt as a giveaway. I can truly understand the hours that goes into a project.

starwars @ sympatico dot ca

Rachel B. said...

I love the colors in this. Beautiful! I would most likely use this in my own bedroom. I just love it.

Rachel B. said...

I'm a follower!

Sandy said...

What a very nice thing for you to do.. give this beautiful quilt away! I love it and especially love the way you used the fabric. The white sets it off just perfect... lovely!
I've been a follower and so want this quilt!

Two Happy Stampers said...

What a generous thing to give away! You did a beautiful job on it and I love the name you came up with for it... very appropriate. Blogging has become something I enjoy very much, but right now it's not something I can do as often as I like. I'm trying to make time in my day for it. =) Whoever wins your quilt will enjoy it a lot! =)

Two Happy Stampers said...

We're following you! =)

More Than "Just Mom" said...

I love this! Blogging has been an amazing experience, because I get to follow others who love to do the same things I do. Plus, let's be honest - comments are always awesome!

More Than "Just Mom" said...

I'm a follower too! I love your stuff.

EmileeHope said...

Congrats on the # of followers...BTW you will most likely hit 200 in a moment with such a fab giveaway!!
Wow! I can't believe you are giving away a hand-made quilt! You are one generous lady!!
I just found you through another blog and I am so glad I did!

EmileeHope said...

P.S. I am now a follower of your blog!

EmileeHope said...

I also put a note about your amazing quilt giveaway on my blog here.
Thanks again for a chance at snuggling up in your beautiful quilt!!

KimMalk said...

Cecily, this is so beautiful and generous. You cracked me up about dragging your family to your craft room :).

A Bee In My Bonnet - Leslie Anne said...

Oh honey! What a sweet quilt! And how delightful - you're giving it away! I know somebody is going to be thrilled next month! I would love to use it on my couch - it will look so nice there when my first grandchild arrives (late Sept/early Oct)! You know how many photo ops are around when that happens! Thank you for your generosity after all the work you've put into this quilt - it will be appreciated no matter who wins it! Leslie Anne

The Wifeyness said...

I would love on it in our front room. Curling up under it during the winter months with a cup of hot tea! Oooh! How lovely!!!

A Bee In My Bonnet - Leslie Anne said...

I'm also a follower - I love to see what crafts other people are doing. My grandmother used to meet at church on Wednesday mornings with other women from the church, just to craft. They would all bring whatever they were working on and get busy on it while chatting with each other. If one was interested in what another was doing, she'd just go over and talk with her about it. She did decoupage, chair caning, wallpaper beads, hairpin lace, safety-pin & beads necklaces, pine cone wreaths, crocheted rugs, sewing all sorts of things, and all manner of Christmas decorations. A legacy of love. Does it get any better than that?

Abigail said...

what a beautiful quilt! i've loved blogging - it's a great way to connect with friends all around the world. congrats on your followers!

aalter (at) nmsi (dot) org

Abigail said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Abigail said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Abigail said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
A Bee In My Bonnet - Leslie Anne said...

And now I've posted your button at my little blog here:

Thank you again! Leslie Anne

Abigail said...

i'm a follower now too! (i'm not sure why my earlier comment published 4 times! it let me delete 2 of them, but not the 3rd - i don't know why! sorry about that)

Shelly @Crafty Creative Studio said...

Your quilt is just perfect! If I were to win, I would move it around from room to room -depending on my mood! :) Blog is a HUGE creative outlet for me, even if I do not get post often enough..... I still plan a lot in my head! Thanks for the quilt-a-way!

Shelly @Crafty Creative Studio said...

I'm now a new follower. Can't wait to see what you get up to!

Lindy said...

Love that precious little quilt - Can it be mine if I say please?

Patricia P. said...

So beautiful. Someday I'm going to learn to quilt. Wonderful giveaway!

Summer Rae said...

Goregous quilt! Amazing giveaway! Thanks!

Summer Rae said...

I'm a follower.

Emily Simmons said...

See the pictures makes me want to spread it on the ground and just lay in the sunshine! I love homemade quilts!

Emily Simmons said...

I am a follower.

Emily Simmons said...

Blogged here>

Abhishek Duggal said...

It is beautiful!

Thanks for the opportunity!

forsurveysonly at gmail dot com

craftytammie said...

I love the fabrics you used! And your post summed up exactly my feelings about why I keep a craft blog. I never expected to make "friends" and gain so much inspiration and support from other crafters!

craftytammie said...

I'm a new follower!

craftytammie said...

I posted your button on my blog! thanks again for the chances!

mkschulz said...

What a beautiful quilt! I came to your blog through HOH and am so happy to have found it.

Jenna said...

Beautiful quilt! I LOVE it. I love to quilt but don't have a whole lot of time with 3 kids under 7. My hands are always busy. If I won this I just might keep it for myself.

Jenna said...

I'm a new follower!

Andie said...

I'm a follower

Andie said...

Simply beautiful such talent! Quilts are one way to wrap yourself up in love.

Andie said...

Button on blog

Unknown said...

This is trully beautiful!
bobbie @

Unknown said...

I am a follower. Came across the name of your blog, and knew it had to be awesome just for that.
bobbie @

gail@My Repurposed Life said...

I love quilts, and I think you did a beautiful job on this one! I am not a quilter, but I can appreciate them all the same.
Blogging has been great for me. It's been a little over a year, and I love it.
I don't know if I blog so I can create, or if I create so I can blog. :)
please enter me in this fabulous giveaway.

Michelle said...

Oh I love this! I would so enjoy this on our bed. I have such a connection with quilts that goes back to when I would always spend Saturday and Sunday nights with my mammaw and pappaw as a child. Thanks for allowing me to remember them today!

Michelle said...

Entry #2: I just became a follower! Looking forward to getting to know you through blogging!

Heather* said...

OMGosh...I'm dying to win this quilt...I love the colors the contrast...every little detail....this is probably the most wanted win out of all the blog give-aways I have entered. Quilts are my favorite and this is to die for!

Heather* said...

I'm a follower...and so very glad to be...

Brenda said...

I'm a new follower. When I looked at your quilt, my mother came to my mind immediately! She made everything from handmade, even clothes as little as for our barbie dolls. She raised 21 kids in a small southern town. She's my hero. She passed away when I was young and if I win, I would be thrilled! Its so beautiful!

Sparky said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michelle said...

Entry #3: I added your button and blogged about your giveaway. THANKS AGAIN!

Sparky said...

I did post, well I thought I did... I certainly resonate with you, your blog and quilt. This quilt would remind me of all the stitches and time spent wandering lost in thought....mmmmm
New follower too..
blessings madame samm

Lara said...

Wow, this is a gorgeous quilt to give away! I so hope to win this...
imasblog at

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